Oat Straw, Dried Grass, Mint, Marigold, Camomile, Nettle, Rapeseed Oil 5%, Molasses, Limestone Flour, Natural Preservative.
Analytical Constituents:
Fibre 25%, Protein 9%, Total Sugar 9%, Starch 0.9%, Digestible Energy 8 MJ/Kg.
MARIGOLDS are known to contain antioxidants, which help against digestive inflammation. They are a rich source of vitamins A and C and are high in oil. This means that not only will your horse, or pony benefit from external coat shine, but they will also receive internal benefits from these little yellow flowers.
CAMOMILE soothes the nervous system and helps horses or ponies to relax and sleep better. It is great at soothing an upset stomach by helping to relax the muscle and lining of the intestines. Camomile can help with poor digestion and can calm muscle spasms. It induces a calming effect which helps relieve stress, tension and settles nerves. Camomile is not only great at calming, but it also has antibacterial properties that can help protect against bacterial related illness or infection. It also promotes a healthy coat with its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and can help in clearing up skin irritations and allergies
NETTLE is one of the most naturally beneficial herbs, containing protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, along with vitamins A,C,D and B complex. This means nettle helps promote coat shine and has calming properties.
MINT is germicidal and a breath freshener. It takes care of oral health by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth inside the mouth by cleaning the tongue and teeth. Mint is a good digestive aid and an excellent appetiser making it very appealing to fussy feeders.
The inclusion of OIL helps horses & ponies maintain strong hooves, glossy coats and better all-round condition. It is a great source of natural Omega 3 and an important aid to digestion. It is also known to have beneficial effects for horses with stiff joints.
DRIED GRASS is high in quality protein, which is great for muscle development and helps with overall condition.
Honeychop Calm & Shine also contains LIMESTONE FLOUR which is a calcium supplement for horses and vital for healthy growth, strong bones, teeth and hooves.
Honeychop only use SUN DRIED OAT STRAW and never desiccate their crops.